Hola! Quiero compartir con ustedes una tarjeta 'flash' que hice para un regalito. Bien, lo de 'flash' es literalmente porque me lo pidieron rapidito. Espero que les guste aunque es bien sencillita pues fue hecha con mucho aprecio.
Hello! I wish to share a 'flash' card I made for a present. Well, 'flash' is literal since I had to make it really fast. Though it's quite simple, I hope you like it.
Flor en telar
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011
Hola! Aprendía a hacer una flor utilizando hilo de acrílico (imitando lana) y decorando su centro. Se utilizó un telar de 12 clavijas. La flor se puede realizar con diferentes tonos de hilo y vueltas para darle un toque diferente. Espero que les guste.
Hello! I learned to make a flower using acrylic yarn (imitating wool) also decorating its center. I used the peach flower loom. The flower can be made using diferent yarns and rounds to give the personal touch. I hope you like it.

Hello! I learned to make a flower using acrylic yarn (imitating wool) also decorating its center. I used the peach flower loom. The flower can be made using diferent yarns and rounds to give the personal touch. I hope you like it.
Tarjeta escalera
martes, 19 de abril de 2011
Esta tarjeta escalera fue preparada basándome en las instrucciones que tomé de Divasinrecycling.com. La preparé con la ayuda de mi adorable y bella hija de 7 años para el cumpleaños de mi esposo y su papito querido. (Mientras hacíamos esta tarjeta mi bella hija de 10 años estaba cosiendo una falda para la Barbie de su hermana, tan tiernas) Espero que les guste la tarjeta, fue hecha con mucho amor.
This stair card was prepared based on the instructions at Divasinrecycling.com. I prepared it with the help of my adorable and beautiful 7 years old daughter for my husband and her dearest father. (Meanwhile my 10 yrs old daughter was sewing a skirt for her sister's Barbie, so cute) I hope you like the card, it was made with lots of love.
This stair card was prepared based on the instructions at Divasinrecycling.com. I prepared it with the help of my adorable and beautiful 7 years old daughter for my husband and her dearest father. (Meanwhile my 10 yrs old daughter was sewing a skirt for her sister's Barbie, so cute) I hope you like the card, it was made with lots of love.
Protector de vino/ Wine bottle protector
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Hola! Muchas tareas, muchos proyectos que ya pronto seguiré compartiendo. Esperando de todo corazón que les guste. Adjunto se puede ver un protector de vino o una bolsita protectora de vino hecha en telar. También sirve para mantener las botellas de agua frías y a su vez sin se que forme algún reguero de agua. Se utilizó la técnica "ribbing pattern" para la parte del cuello en forma decorativa. También tejí una cadeneta roja para contraste. ¡Espero que les guste!
Hello! Many assignments, many projects that I hope to share with you soon. I really hope you like them. You may see in the picture a wine bottle protector for a present or a bag to protect the wine bottle (in fact, not just wine but any bottle). It also keeps the cold. I used the ribbing pattern technique on the upper part for decoration. I also made a red crochet chain to add contrast. Hope you like it!
Hello! Many assignments, many projects that I hope to share with you soon. I really hope you like them. You may see in the picture a wine bottle protector for a present or a bag to protect the wine bottle (in fact, not just wine but any bottle). It also keeps the cold. I used the ribbing pattern technique on the upper part for decoration. I also made a red crochet chain to add contrast. Hope you like it!
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